Weavers School, Wellingborough, Case Study

We were approached by Weavers Academy in Wellingborough, to lay an electric duct from an onsite substation, to a classroom block, for a new 3-phase connection.
About the project
The work was done in the school holidays so as to minimise disruption to the school, and also with safety of the pupils and staff in mind. National Grid required that we lay 40 metres of 125mm diameter duct, which they supplied. A CAT survey was done to identify some underground services, we also dug some trial holes and lifted various manholes to ascertain a line of trench.
The tarmac surface was covered with a fine 0-6mm gravel, which we swept to one side, to be put back later.
The trench was sawcut and broke out by one team, whilst a second team carefully excavated the trench 700mm deep. The 125mm pipe was laid in a soft sand surround, with warning tape to cover, and a draw cord pulled through.
The trench was backfilled with some of the excavated material, and then Type 1 MOT granite, all compacted in layers with a trench wacker. The tarmac was reinstated as 60mm base course and 30mm of 6mm topping, a bit more than was there previously. We swept the fine gravel back over the top, and the site was handed back to the customer 5 days after we started and ready for when the school opened the following week.
Customer review
“I would like to say the crew we had on site were a credit to your company, very polite and aware of their surroundings especially working at a school, the crew we had really were spot on and as I said a real credit to the company, please pass on our thanks to them as I didn’t get to see them before the job finished.”
Time taken to quote for the works: 24 hours
Time taken to do the work: 5 days