Build to dpc, Northampton Case Study

Having done many projects for Andrew Robinson & family over the last 15 years, we were pleased to be asked to carry out works for them at their company, Autohome Ltd, in Northampton.
The work was to construct a storage building to ‘dpc’ level, within their office car park.
About the project
We were given drawings by our customer which had been put together by Design & Build Projects Ltd from Towcester, whom we have worked with many times in the past. The drawings detailed a standard 1m trench foundation, standard oversight construction but with 200mm reinforced floor, & associated foul & rainwater drainage.
The drawings didn’t ascertain where the surface water was to discharge and needed further investigation, so we met with Andrew on site and lifted various manhole covers, and were pleased to identify a dedicated surface water sewer on site. We checked with Building Control and they were fine for rainwater to be dispersed into this system. We lifted a few thousand block paviors where the build was to go, and put them aside for future use by the customer. The footing was dug to a depth of 1m over two days, and the concrete poured on the second day. We reduced the oversite to the required level on a third day and made preparations for our bricklayer to come to site to lay blockwork to dpc level.
The cavity was filled with Gen1 concrete the day after the masonry was completed, and we spent a few days completing the foul, surface water and some ductwork to the new building. We poured the oversite as a 200mm concrete slab using Gen 3 concrete, and with 1 layer of reinforcing mesh. At the front of the new building we created a ramp with some of the block paviors we had put to one side, after which the job was complete.
With the groundwork complete, we handed the site back to the customer, for him to carry on with different trades to continue the superstructure. The job was quite a small one for us, but we were glad to undertake this work for a long-time customer of ours. If you have a similar project you’d like us to quote for you, please contact us using our online form, and choose ‘New Builds & Extensions’ from the drop-down list.
Customer Review:
Andrew was very complimentary of our work, leaving us the following 5-star review on Google:
“Excellent job as always, under the ever watchful eye of Mark”
Time taken to quote for the works: Less than 1 week
JWC Leadtime until work could be started: 6 weeks
Time taken to carry out the work: Just over 2 weeks including work done by our subcontract bricklayers